Wednesday, January 25, 2012


This is my photography blog and I have never written about how I choose to be a photographer. So yes today I do wants to talk about it and here I go...

I have studied journalism and mass com.I developed my interest in photography from there only. Photography was 1 of the career options for me but now as I have tried working in almost all of the possible options. At this point of time I am very very sure that its photography I want to do. Because this is the only thing for which I can wake up early in the morning and can have sleepless nights. I am not 1 of those people who are much disciplined in everything they do. I have always been a very average student. Always high on life and laughing on every serious thing. But when it comes to photography I worked day and night, I read books; I really go mad when it’s about photography. It has always been my passion and I feel I am 1 of those lucky ones who can make their passion their profession. moreover I would say this is 1 thing which interest me the most and I can see myself lost in this world of photography for all my life.

People find me funny most of the time but the whole personality changes in fraction of a sec. if anything related to photography comes out. So yup something which gives me a world of my own is really important for me and that is photography.

And the kind of photography which interest me the most is.... I would say everything, I came here saying I don't want to do fashion but now I know there is nothing as such. I like all kind of photography till the time the image is talking to me, I like it. And as a photographer I would like to do everything, all the genre of photography. But yaa the once which fascinated me the most are the nudes and war photography because for doing both of them I have to step out of my comfort zone. Also because I fine it a little tough, as if now I don't know the level of difficulty in shooting nudes and war but I feel these are.

As a photographer I want to establish a name for my work. And also wants to earn money. I also want to face big challenges. I want to keep breaking the rules as I go and also wants to make my own way.


  1. Interesting to learn about your motivation when it comes to photography. And yes, you are right in that the "genres" of photography are blurring very fast. The idea is to have something unique and true to say.

    As for challenges, you'll find them all around you. In fact, sometimes, the challenge is not that a task or assignment is difficult, but in fact that it is a little too easy, which makes it boring and seemingly "uncreative".

  2. hmmm.. i have experienced it already ..but i think that's how its becoming more interesting for me.
